Object #MT-V1



Jianan Shi, Zaitian Yang, Zhang Zhoujie Digital Lab

What is the relationship between the position of people indoor and the shape of furniture?

Can the relationship between individuals and organizations be explained by furniture and biology?

I create an algorithm that can transform the people's positions into the outline of the table. By introducing the logic of the Voronoi polygon into the basic form, Each table can be used individually or combined into a long table. The layouts of the voronoi tables are generated based on people's location.

“OBJECT #MT-V1”, is composed of 10 independent tables. When they are joined together along the edges of the tops, the top is like several scattered continents converging again, and the length is over 8 meters. Initially, all shapes came into being from an original graphic. Then the computer formed a polyhedron based on the lines and planes between five points, and gradually separated several polyhedrons in the subsequent evolution process. This change hidden in the digital world resembles the split, flow and deformation of the natural continental glaciers over thousands of years.

The work was on display in the exhibition 'Tables?' at Fab Union Space.

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Furniture Design

Computational Design