


Jianan Shi, Luxi Rong

In the forest, there is an expedition without a specified route. In between the trees and the subtle moss you can find mysterious glowing soft creatures. They are lively and enthusiastic, but also fragile. So they wish to be taken good care of.

Audiences may slowly approach the inconspicuous corner of their existence, experiencing the uncanny and charming ambience. There will be communication between living beings, something innocent and within reach. Noiseless and intangible.

Ecomorphs is an outdoor interactive installation made up of soft robots that are sensitive to their surrounding environment. The installation utilises a variety of integrated sensing approaches that regulate air pressure inside the robot, detect human gestures, human visual attention, and observers movement around the work. This data is combined to choreograph the motion of the robots mysteriously living deep in a dark forest.

The work was on display in the exhibition Ars Electronica and The Bartlett Fifteen Show.

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Installation Design

Soft Robot